CBCP: Pray, don’t just go on vacation, this Holy Week

Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry to Jerusalem of Jesus Christ, marked by people waving palm leaves to welcome him
CBCP: Pray, don’t just go on vacation, this Holy Week

As Catholic Filipinos nationwide celebrated Palm Sunday, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said that most faithful remain in touch with the essence of Holy Week.

The CBCP said this is despite the fact that many Filipinos take advantage of the holidays, starting on Maundy Thursday, which falls on 28 March this year, to get time away from work or school, with many going out of town for vacations.

Churches are still filled with Catholic devotees during the Lenten Season, the CBCP pointed out.

Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry to Jerusalem of Jesus Christ, marked by people waving palm leaves to welcome him, only for the Savior of the Christian world to be crucified on Good Friday.

Christian belief in the afterlife and the resurrection of all people is anchored on Jesus’ resurrection, which is celebrated on Easter Sunday.

At the Vatican, Pope Francis, the leader of the 1.375 billion Catholics worldwide, celebrated the Palm Sunday mass, after which he sent his prayers to the victims of the terrorist attack in Moscow. (See related story)

“I assure you my prayers for the victims of the cowardly terrorist attack carried out the other evening in Moscow,” the 87-year-old Pope said after Mass at St. Peter’s Square.

“That’s been our observation for long. We cannot blame it because Semana Santa is really a time to vacation away from our work. Still, you’d be surprised that during Lent, you’ll see that people flock to churches,” CBCP Permanent Committee on Public Affairs executive secretary Fr. Jerome Secillano said in a radio interview.

“You cannot say that Filipinos are straying or losing the true spirit of Semana Santa,” he added. “There are times when people need to take a vacation, but I think that people who go on vacation should also have the opportunity to pray.”

It’s not enough that Catholics only allot time for gimmicks, reunions, and leisurely activities like visiting resorts to swim.

“I’m inviting people to go to the church and pray,” he said, referring to Palm Sunday Mass. “It is not just the carrying of the palm fronds that is important here; it is important that we open our hearts to accept Jesus.”

Daily Tribune