Lawyers group slams new TNVS way of bidding fare

Lawyers group slams new TNVS way of bidding fare

A new Transportation Network Vehicle Service called “INDRIVE” is now being summoned by the Land Transportation Franchising Regulatory Board after the Lawyers for Commuters Safety and Protection slammed its “make an offer scheme” offered to their clients.

LCSP head, Atty. Ariel Inton, in his letter to LTFRB Chair Teofilo Guadiz III, dated 15 January 2024, obtained by DAILY TRIBUNE, noted that INDRIVE app, owned by the RL Soft Corporation, is using a “make an offer scheme” to its commuter clients that is contrary to the LTFRB’s fare regulations.

The scheme, according to Inton, through the complaints they received from its passengers, indicated that commuters will have to make an offer first “on how much they are willing to pay for the ride.”

“The driver makes a counteroffer and if negotiations fail the booking is declined,” Inton wrote.

The “make an offer” scheme, Inton said is a clear violation of LTFRB regulations regarding TNVS.

“Clearly resulting to several franchise violations such as contracting passengers, overcharging, and if the booking is declined, unjustified refusal to convey passenger,” Inton explained.

Guadiz for his part immediately acted on the LCSP complaint and issued a summon to INDRIVE to answer the “show cause order” issued on 23 January.

TNVS is a common carrier, using the internet-based technology application or digital platform in technology, transporting passengers from one point to another, for compensation. Currently, the LTFRB has approved nine TNVS so far including INDRIVE. The others are MYTAXI PH Inc.; CloudPanda PH Inc.; Joyride E-commerce Technology Corp.; Epick Me Up Inc.; ParaExpress; Get Express; Hirna Mobility Solution, and Pick-up.

Daily Tribune