Cross Y with power of Z

Open communication, diverse career development paths, and merit-based advancement empower all team members to contribute to the organization’s continued growth.
Cross Y with power of Z
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For the first time in modern history, we are in an era where five generations work side by side, bringing their own skills and experiences to the table. By 2025, Millennials and Gen Zs will make up more than 50 percent of the global workforce.

Along with this demographic shift comes a different challenge for businesses: how to bridge the generational gap, now that the majority of the workforce are digital natives, and promote collaboration among employees of different age groups.

While generational divides continue to be a challenge in today's workplace, TELUS International Philippines, a prominent provider of digitally enhanced customer experiences and business process solutions, has found ways to effectively harness its multigenerational workforce. Similar to global trends, more than half of team members at TELUS International Philippines are Millennials, closely followed by Gen Zs. The company's workforce is doing more than just coexisting — they're collaborating and learning from each other. This collaboration is paved by the company's people-first culture, which empowers team members to be themselves while embracing spirited teamwork.

Creating a collaborative workplace is essential, especially for Gen Z, which values teamwork. Such an environment transcends generational boundaries, instilling a sense of value and empowerment in individuals from diverse age groups who have much to learn from and share.

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