China, the grabber, bluffs (2)

China, the grabber, bluffs (2)

Amid China's heightening aggressions and madness in the WPS, the Chinese now resort to sending warnings (hollow, pointless, silly) to their prey/victim only to show a growing insecurity and apprehension within and among themselves and their vulnerability to debacle (or beating) by reason or by justice or by world might — or by nations (great and small) unified, resolved, and determined to make things right in the WPS, side by side with the Philippines — versus China.

Ridiculous, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi had the gall to tell our Foreign Secretary, Enrique Manalo, over the phone recently, "that if the Philippine side misjudges, goes its own way, or even colludes with ill-intentioned external forces to continue to stir up trouble, China will defend its rights in accordance with law and respond resolutely." BALIKTAD (opposite). Funny and bully — truly.  Bulliest of bullies. Insane.

What law Mr. Wang Yi was referring to, and what right does he have to talk about the law when it is crystal clear that they are the number one law-breakers of international laws, UNCLOS in particular? Whacky. Soulless.

The Chinese officials got used to getting things for themselves their way, terms, time, and covetousness — using ruffian tactics and propaganda — aptly, fittingly, and exactly as who and what they really are — representing a tricky, bully, burly nation. Debunked. After concocting their fake maps, they now concoct newly invented narratives about the BRP Sierra Madre under the auspices of Filipino traitors.

Heed this, my dear countrymen: Time to rebuke (and rebuke sharply) and stop decisively, strongly, and hurriedly these fake Filipinos that continue to defend China's illogic, bigotry, and oppression, using the media and their "influence" in their respective sectors. No Filipino, and nobody in his right mind listens to them. They are the few that persist in routing our nation's dignity and sovereignty via their crookedness a 'la Judas Iscariot, employing their "clout" to bamboozle and deceive. Inane, indeed.

Let these nationless, soulless betrayers and conspirators spew their venoms and do their abominable rituals privately, but not publicly.

Afford them their "freedom of speech," but only inside their own private bathrooms, together with those in their mold, if they wish. Afford them further the privilege of appearing in a TV/broadcast station whose operation has been rightly and justly suspended (and later must be outlawed) — for eternally disseminating lies, fabrications, and distortions. They smother truth by contagions and false biblical teachings to spread worse and more injurious pathogens than the coronavirus. Bane.

What is preventing you, Filipino officials, from acting on this blatant, shameless, defiant, open betrayal and treason — or psychosis — among this handful of "Filipinos" or nuts and lunatics, especially amid the increasing tension in the WPS? From worse to worst, things are getting out of hand because of them.

The peace, welfare, and future of our whole country are at stake, while the destructiveness/havoc that these snakes cause is beyond fathomable and deplorable. Unbelievable. They are Filipinos more "Chinese" than the Chinese. Bete noire.

Don't you see that these traitors are problems for Filipinos much worse and detestable than China in the WPS?  Exhale.

Dumb and dumber.


Daily Tribune