AFP: NPA now fighting ‘losing cause’

Seized arms and personal effects of NPA rebels. | 📷 AFP Viscom
Seized arms and personal effects of NPA rebels. | 📷 AFP Viscom
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The Armed Forces of the Philippines has warned the remaining members of the Communist Party of the Philippines' armed wing, New People's Army, that they are already fighting for a "losing cause."

LtGen. Benedict Arevalo, AFP Visayas Command chief, said the military forces have significantly sustained its victory against the CPP-NPA operating in the Visayas region as it revealed about 125 communist rebels were neutralized during the 38 government-initiated armed encounters from 1 October as to the date of the this year's last quarter. 

Arevalo noted that such encounters have significantly contributed to the decline of both the manpower and armed capability of the communist group, with a total of 81 NPAs being neutralized within the Eastern Visayas, 44 in Western and Central Visayas. 

Of the 125 neutralized, 12 of whom died during encounters while 113 have returned to the folds of the law, of which 75 of them are now being integrated into the communities of Eastern Visayas and 38 into Western and Central Visayas. 

In the same period, the AFP seized 102 firearms and 28 anti-personnel mines. 

"The CPP-NPA in the Visayas region is now on the verge of defeat. Hence, we will continue to be relentless and will never hold back. As we intend that this menace in our society, which has been causing pain and suffering to our people will further weaken to a point where they can no longer recover," Arevalo told reporters. 

The AFP VisCom said the "severe loss of manpower and armed capability of the NPA" led to the dismantling of its 4 guerilla fronts in the Visayas region for this year. 

As concurred by the National Joint Peace and Security Coordinating Center, the Front Committee 2 of the Sub-Regional Committee Emporium was declared dismantled on June 22.

Followed by the declaration of dismantled Front 3 of Sub-Regional Committee Arctic on August 24; and the most recent, Front Committee 1 of Sub-Regional Committee Emporium and Front 15 of Sub-Regional Committee Arctic which were both officially declared dismantled on November 22. 

"We have achieved so much in our fight against terrorism. We have protected our people, sustained the peace, fostered development, and preserved the democratic way of life in the Visayas region," Arevalo stressed. 

"But we are not done yet, there's still so much that needs to be done. With the help of our people, the support from the local government and other partner agencies, we will continue the fight and will keep up the momentum," he added. 

The AFP VisCom chief has called on the remaining CPP-NPA to surrender to the government forces. 

"You are fighting a losing cause. Every move you make could be your last. Lay down your arms now and return to the folds of the law. Christmas is fast approaching. Imagine your family, they will be so much happier to celebrate the holiday with you," said Arevalo.

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