Imee takes bold stand — Vows to defend Rody

‘Even if I’m the only one left, I would remain standing for him’
Sen. Imee Marcos (Photo by Analy Labor for Daily Tribune)
Sen. Imee Marcos (Photo by Analy Labor for Daily Tribune)

Senator Imee Marcos took a bold stance on Wednesday, vowing to shield former President Rodrigo Duterte from the scathing criticism emanating from members of the House of Representatives.

In the face of relentless attacks, she stood as a fierce defender, poised to weather the storm and safeguard the legacy of a controversial yet influential figure in Philippine politics.

"I repeat, in 2015, I was the first and only government official who declared support for President Duterte. And even if I'm the only one left, I would remain standing for him," Marcos said in a statement.

She issued the statement following the HoR's strong pronouncements against Duterte, who had accused the lower chamber of being the "most rotten organization."

At the House, Marcos' cousin, Speaker Martin Romualdez, resumed sessions by stressing that he would "stand and fight against anyone who scares us into following what they want."

Led by Romualdez, the lower chamber condemned Duterte for threatening the life of ACT Teachers Party-list Representative France Castro, whom the former president had linked to the communist New People's Army.

The following day, the House leadership stripped former president, now Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and Davao City Representative Isidro Ungab of their deputy speakerships.

Arroyo and Ungab are both allies of Duterte.

Marcos-Duterte alliance

As the eldest child of the late President Ferdinand Marcos Sr., Senator Marcos said she would never be silenced against those who are "betraying" Duterte, who respected her father and permitted his burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani on 18 November 2016.

The senator also reaffirmed her alliance with Duterte's eldest child, Vice President Sara Duterte, who reportedly has her own beef with Speaker Romualdez.

"He (Duterte) was asked before if the only reason he permitted the burial of my father was because I am his friend," Marcos said. "His answer before is my answer now: Not only because PRRD is my friend, but he is really my friend, especially Inday Sara. They are my friends in keeping the peace and fighting the evil forces that spread corruption, hunger, and traitorship," Imee said.

'Yolanda' anniversary

Senator Marcos issued the statement, which coincided with the 10th anniversary of Super typhoon "Yolanda," which left more than 6,000 people dead and missing.

"It is a disgrace to the lessons of "Yolanda" that politicians are focusing on dividing the nation and using it for their interest," she said.

She noted that the lessons taught by 'Yolanda' are still alive in her memory.

Tacloban City, bore the brunt of Yolanda's fury in 2010.

Daily Tribune