Second open letter for Pope Francis (2)

He fell on his knees, and like St. Paul, who turned from persecutor to preacher, he instantly believed.
Second open letter for Pope Francis (2)
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(Author's note. A previous open letter to Pope Francis appeared in this column a few issues back. This second open letter includes new findings and replaces the first one. This is Part 2 which focuses on how and why the Vatican suppressed the Mediatrix phenomenon and the critical role of Cardinal Müller in the suppression. If you have not read Part 1, go first to

Vatican suppression of Lipa bishops

Your Holiness, in 1949, Bishop of Lipa Alfredo Versoza, ever so faithful to the Vatican, was angry over the rumors of the miraculous rose petals that healed the sick. He just did not believe such "nonsense." He visited the Carmelite convent to ensure his order to the Carmelite sisters to deny and suppress the rumors was followed. He was greeted by a shower of rose petals at the doorstep of the Carmelite church. He fell on his knees, and like St. Paul, who turned from persecutor to preacher, he instantly believed. (Read more about Versoza —

Bishop Versoza, your Holiness, consequently, gave his imprimatur to the Mediatrix novena, which angered the Vatican. He explained that it was for the novena, not for the apparitions. Still, he was transferred to a remote parish somewhere in North Africa, where he had a nervous breakdown.

Versoza was always faithful to the Church despite his exile, saying, "I believe, but as a bishop, I am under the Pope. I cannot make the decisions." For decades, all the Bishops of Lipa who believed in the Mediatrix were "exiled" to remote dioceses or forced to resign, forced into silence.

Your Holiness, Cardinal Müller, whom you removed as CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) head and who leads the anti-Pope movement, was instrumental in suppressing the Mediatrix. He issued the CDF's controversial Protocol 226/1949, wherein Lipa Archbishops Mariano Gaviola and Ramon Arguelles were reprimanded for lifting the ban on Mediatrix veneration. They did so, justifiable under Canon Law, only after Müller and the CDF failed to present documents on the status of the 1951 disapproval of the apparitions as authentic. Archbishop Arguelles was forced to resign as Bishop of Lipa.

Why the Vatican insists the Mediatrix is a hoax

Your Holiness, the Pius XII decree declaring in 1951 that the Mediatrix was a hoax is now being questioned because it does not appear in Acta Apostolicae Sedis, a requirement for the decree to be binding, according to Canon Law.

The Cardinals then did not know this or kept it a secret. The Vatican declared the Mediatrix apparitions a hoax "with finality" in 1951 based on a questionable decree. This became the basis for all future suppressions of the Mediatrix for 70 years to this day.

Geopolitical Role of Our Lady Mediatrix in the evangelization of Asia and conversion of China

Your Holiness, Mediatrix visionary Sr. Teresing wrote in her second diary, which was not burned, that the devil tortured her. She had bruises on her arms. The devil wanted to suppress Sr. Teresing, fearing that the Lady of Mediatrix would be the instrument for the future evangelization of Asia, especially the "conversion" of China, conversion not to Christianity but to become benevolent to its neighbors and to stop the persecution and massacre of Christians inside China. The geopolitical role of Our Lady Mediatrix is still not known by the Vatican to this very day.

Your Holiness, I rest my case as a humble journalist with no background in Canon law on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos who are forever devoted to the Mediatrix based on the Virgin's miracles despite Vatican repressions.

Please investigate these miracles, which are the obvious proof of the authenticity of the Mediatrix apparitions. We, Marian devotees, are willing to help facilitate your future investigations. Even if it takes a decade, we want the truth. We remain loyal to your Holiness despite the CDF failures and suppressions. This open letter will appear in my column, StarGazer, in the Daily Tribune in a two-part series.

Finally, I am asking readers to help get Pope Francis to read this if you have a way of bringing this to him.

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