Appeal to Pope Francis: Restore the Mediatrix

No one in the entire Church knew that the Pius XII decree was non-existent for seven decades up to this very day, except for a few who did not come out in fear of Vatican repercussions.
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Devotees are appealing to Pope Francis to restore the Mediatrix because there is evidence that the 1951 Pope Pius XII decree, which declared the Mediatrix apparitions not "of supernatural origin," has been proven invalid, including all subsequent Church decrees to suppress the Mediatrix devotion in the last 70 years. The Vatican allows Mediatrix devotion (prayers, novenas) but bans any Church activity in reference to the apparition.

The 1951 Pius XII decree is invalid because it is not found in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, a requirement for a decree to be binding, according to Canon Law. The decree is considered "non-existent" even though the Holy Office (the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith back in 1951) issued a similar decree, which was not binding. Only the Pope can issue such an official decree, according to Canon Law.

On 11 December 2015, Gerhard Cardinal Muller, as head; and Archbishop Luis Ladaria, SJ, as the secretary of the CDF, the Vatican office in charge of investigating Marian apparitions, issued Protocol 226/1949 which hinted at the non-existence of the Pius XII decree.

Archbishops of Lipa Mariano Gaviola and Ramon Arguelles, during their respective tenures, separately asked the CDF for the documents on the status of the 1951 disapproval of the Lipa apparitions. After the CDF failed to give this, Gaviola permitted public veneration of the original image of the Mediatrix, and Arguelles issued a decree lifting the ban on Mediatrix veneration, which they could do under Canon Law, and which resulted in the erroneous CDF Protocol 226/1949, quoted below.

"11. Archbishop Ramon Arguelles, in a letter dated 7 October 2009, requested permission to examine the archives of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, regarding the phenomenon at Lipa. Shortly thereafter, on 12 November 2009, Archbishop Arguelles issued a decree by which he ordered that 'all bans written or unwritten intended to curtail or diminish the devotion to Mary Mediatrix of all Grace be lifted' and ' that a new commission be formed to review the documents on the alleged apparitions of 1948 as well as to compile additional documents from the period up to the present.'"

"12. After examining its archives, and discovering the error in Archbishop Ramon Arguelles's assumption that the matter of the phenomenon of Lipa was still open to discussion, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a letter dated 20 March 2010, responded to Archbishop Arguelles, informing him that the decision communicated by the Episcopal Commission in 1951 was, in fact, a decision approved by the Holy Father and, therefore, the matter no longer rested under the authority of the Archbishop."

Under Canon Law, Arguelles and Gaviola, as bishops of the Lipa diocese, had the right to be provided a copy of the Holy Office-Pius XII decree, if it existed at all. When it was not given, under Canon Law, Arguelles and Gaviola had the right to lift the ban on Mediatrix devotion. The CDF claim that the matter was no longer "open to discussion" is false and is a contravention of Canon Law, which states that, in the absence of a Vatican decree, local bishops had a right to act on their own authority.

The CDF, in Protocol 226/1949, wrongly blamed Gaviola and Arguelles for violating Vatican protocol.Both the Holy Office of 1951 and the CDF of 2015 committed the "sin" of not reporting that the Pius XII decree was not registered in the Acta. Muller and Ladaria , who have retired from the CDF, should be investigated by Pope Francis.

No one in the entire Church knew that the Pius XII decree was non-existent for seven decades up to this very day, except for a few who did not come out in fear of Vatican repercussions.

The CDF claim that the "Episcopal Commission in 1951 was in fact a decision approved by the Holy Father" is completely baseless. The Episcopal Commission issued its decision on 11 April 1951, while the Holy Office-Pius XII issued its decision two weeks before on 28-29 March. How could the Holy Office issue a decision on a still non-existent future Episcopal Commission decision?

Mediatrix devotees are appealing to Pope Francis to retract Protocol 226/1949, restore the images of Bishops Gaviola and Arguelles, and stop the suppression of the Philippine clergy and the Marian devotees, in the name of the Virgin Mary whom we all love. We welcome any reply from Rome on this matter.

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