NPA courier yields

He served as a courier of food and medicine supplies for the NPA Guerrilla Front-13, Western Mindanao Regional Party Committee.
NPA courier yields

ZAMBOANGA CITY — Authorities reported that an individual believed to be a courier of the communist New People's Army has surrendered to authorities in Zamboanga Sibugay province after three years with the rebel group.

Provincial police director Col. Eduard Mallo identified the NPA courier as Albert Tinaypan, who surrendered to authorities on Wednesday at the municipal police station of Titay.

The surrender was facilitated thru a series of negotiations by the Titay police station together with the Regional Intelligence Unit-Zamboanga Peninsula and Regional Investigation Division-9.

Reports said Tinaypan was recruited into the NPA by a certain Ka Alice in 2019. He served as a courier of food and medicine supplies for the NPA Guerrilla Front-13, Western Mindanao Regional Party Committee.

The rebel was placed under custodial debriefing and released to village officials for reintegration back into mainstream society.

Daily Tribune