Ariel Nepomuceno is the new administrator of the Office of Civil Defense. (All photos courtesy of the Office of the Press Secretary)
Ariel Nepomuceno is the new administrator of the Office of Civil Defense. (All photos courtesy of the Office of the Press Secretary)

PBBM appoints new officials for NBI, PSC, Civil Defense

The Office of the Press Secretary on Wednesday announced five new presidential appointees for the Office of Civil Defense, National Bureau of Investigation, and Philippine Sports Commission.

All of them took their oath of office before Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin in Malacañang on Wednesday.

Former Customs deputy commissioner Ariel Nepomuceno has been appointed as the new administrator of the Office of Civil Defense.

Nepomuceno resigned from the Bureau of Customs in August 2017, a week after then-Senator Panfilo Lacson named him as among the alleged corrupt officials in the agency.

New NBI Assistant Director Angelito Magno
New NBI Assistant Director Angelito Magno
Newly appointed NBI Assistant Director Glenn Ricarte
Newly appointed NBI Assistant Director Glenn Ricarte

Appointed to the NBI are Angelito Magno and Glenn Ricarte — both will serve as assistant directors.

The two are not new in NBI as Magno served as its regional director in La Union province, while Ricarte worked as a senior agent.

New PSC Commissioners Walter Francis K. Torres (left) and Edward Lim Hayco (right)
New PSC Commissioners Walter Francis K. Torres (left) and Edward Lim Hayco (right)

Walter Francis Torres and Edward Lim Hayco have been named new PSC commissioners.

Torres served as the Philippine Paralympic Committee secretary general, while Hayco was the chairperson of the Cebu City Sports Commission.

Daily Tribune