Bria’s xE series of upgraded homes tout exterior enhancements such as their own fences and gates and a finely finished front pavement. | Photograph courtesy of Bria
Bria’s xE series of upgraded homes tout exterior enhancements such as their own fences and gates and a finely finished front pavement. | Photograph courtesy of Bria

Iriga welcomes investment opportunities

Real estate is considered one of the best asset classes that investors can ever have. Billionaire industrialist Andrew Carnegie affirmed this when he once asserted that "the wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate."

To this day, real estate continues to be an important part of investors' portfolios. Its advantages, such as stability, competitive appreciation, and ability to build passive income, make it attractive to most investors regardless of their economic class. However, when vetting prospective residential property acquisitions, investors must also consider location, economic prospects, and value appreciation.

In the Philippines, there is a rapidly increasing demand for residential areas — outside CBDs — that tout high growth potential. Home and property investment seekers are realizing their latent values and are now casting a wider net around the fringes of big cities such as the suburbs or farther out in the provinces.

Foremost housing developer Bria Homes is, of course, well aware of this. It has, to date, launched more than fifty projects nationwide — mainly residential enclaves in locations that strategically stand out for their proximity to key lifestyle hubs and are poised to benefit from the government's infrastructure boom.

Bria Homes has, in fact, been pushing its developments both south and north of Metro-Manila, and is currently spurring aspiring investors to check out Bria Homes in Iriga, a landlocked component city in the coastal province of Camarines Sur.

Daily Tribune