Inclusive development

Art Besana

Let us pray for world peace and for the success of President Bongbong Marcos in building the New Philippines into an economic power.

Every Filipino was thanking Bongbong for his third State of the Nation Address (SoNA), so far the best ever, crafted by the President himself based on the memories of his life with the farmers and fisherfolk during the first 20 years of his government service as their co-worker in his home province.

He delivered his masterpiece in the language he knows his people will feel and understand best.

The result was classic. The grateful and loving nation embraced him. They felt his empathy, his humility and sincerity.

For a moment when he was relating himself to his countrymen, the entire nation saw in Bongbong “the diligence of a good father to his family.”

His accomplishments need not be cited. They are outstandingly visible, real and solid, and the citizens would soon unbelievably and wonderfully enjoy them during their lifetime, establishing the great son, soon to be known as the greatest, of his undeniably great and proud father, Ferdinand Sr., as a son who did not fail him. For by now he looms to surpass within a short time what his father had accomplished.

The inclusive development of the Filipino nation is the masterpiece within the flagship programs of the Bongbong Marcos administration.

It is simply because Bongbong has gone places and has seen the glory and grandeur of developed countries of the world.

Those who have gone to great cities of the world are stirred into deep thoughts about how the people there were able to build those towering buildings that look truly magnificent. It must be because the people valued their intellectual, political and social prestige.

In our country there has been the background of intellectual stagnation, corruption, indolence, and poverty. There is a lack of superior minds to produce the necessary answers to what apparently are unsolvable riddles, plaguing our country in many fields of human endeavor.

Bongbong saw the urgent need of cultivating and developing brilliant minds among the innumerable young students who will constitute the backbone of the New Philippines. The vital role of our homes, schools and universities has become outstandingly significant.

Such brilliant minds can be developed to flourish and blossom into creative minds only in peaceful and quiet homes where harmony and love abide; where parents serve as models of discipline, of honesty, of moral integrity, of love, kindness, gentleness and refinement of conduct.

Such minds develop only in a school strongly imbued with a curiosity to know the whys and wherefores of existence, integrated with knowledge and courage to discover deeper motives, new resources so as to bring changes into a world resisting change, filled with understanding and tolerance of the folly of youth, and imbued with lasting human values that will elevate the human personality to the level of dignity and perfection.

For most of all, the schools must give the creative minds an excellent teaching staff whose rare qualities will be brilliantly reflected in the products. Creative minds, the schools must remember, cannot thrive where there is bigotry, tyranny, persecution, where there is destructive criticism, intolerance, and condemnation, where there is obsolete, incompetent, and antiquated teaching methods.

Only by providing students with superior teaching staff, carefully chosen from a number of qualified men and women, can a school utilize the creative approach to the development of hidden potentialities and capabilities of the young students.

For such superior teaching faculty can instigate in the young untapped creative mind a strong desire for insatiable curiosity to learn more. Indeed, it is the creative approach that will induce originality, responsiveness, and recognition of the limitless powers of a creative mind in producing tangible and intangible results.