Second open letter to Pope Francis (Part 1 of 2)

Bernie V. Lopez

(Author's note: A previous open letter to Pope Francis appeared in this column a few issues back. This second open letter, refined and better presented, and including new findings, replaces that first one. Part 1 focuses on vital evidence proving the Mediatrix apparitions which were destroyed by the Vatican.)

Your Holiness, Pope Francis: This is an open letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Filipino devotees of Our Lady Mediatrix of All Grace who are appealing for your consideration. I am asking readers to help get Pope Francis to read this, if you have a way of bringing this to him.

Your Holiness, the reply of Our Lady to the Vatican suppression of Mediatrix apparitions for 70 long years is — dozens of miracles through the decades. The more the suppression, the more the miracles, the greater the spread of the devotion. Today, the Mediatrix devotion is flourishing and spreading. The Virgin has triumphed over the Vatican. The Vatican has failed to thoroughly investigate these miracles.

Rose petals, evidence of Mediatrix apparitions had been destroyed on the Vatican's order. Your Holiness, the apparitions by the Blessed Virgin in 1948 to Sister Teresing Castillo, a Carmelite novice, which today the Vatican still insists is a hoax and not of divine origin, were accompanied by a series of showers of rose petals at the Carmelite convent, particularly during a prayer meeting attended by thousands. This is similar to the miracle of the dancing sun in Fatima, Portugal, also witnessed by thousands, which became the evidence of the authenticity of the Fatima apparitions. In the same way, the rose petals prove the authenticity of the Mediatrix apparitions.

But the Vatican not only ignored the rose petal evidence; it ordered them destroyed, the very proof of the authenticity of the apparitions. Did the Vatican interview witnesses to the rose petal showers? If it did, where are the documents? The Vatican ordered the destruction of vital documents, statues, religious materials, particularly the novena credited for healing two women (view their testimonials below), the precious diary of visionary Sr. Teresing, and the rose petals themselves. The Vatican failed to do a proper investigation, ignored testimonials of healings, destroyed the evidence, and insisted that the apparition was a hoax, for reasons explained below.

Ironically, your Holiness, remnants of the Mediatrix novena, which escaped the Vatican destruction order, had healing power. The congenital hole in the skull of Ms. Socorro Mendoza mysteriously vanished on the fifth day of the novena, after a rose petal was  placed on her skull.

The congenital incurable club foot (abnormal Achilles tendon inhibiting walking) of Sr. Melanie Sunga, RA (Religious of the Assumption), when she was a baby, mysteriously straightened itself three days after her mother completed the novena. Her feet were washed earlier with Holy Water from the Carmelite convent.

Your Holiness, please view these two testimonials 1); and 2)

There have been dozens of other Mediatrix miracles that the Vatican CDF does not know about because they had stopped investigating and had made up their minds that the Virgin of Lipa was a hoax. It will take a book to write about the many Mediatrix miracles through the decades, especially the miracle of the dancing sun, witnessed by hundreds during a concelebrated mass at the Mediatrix shrine in Matalam, North Cotabato. It occurred exactly on the day and hour of the centennial anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. Lipa, indeed, is the continuation of Fatima. These witnesses should be interviewed by the Vatican.

Part 2 of 2, which is to follow, discusses how and why the Vatican suppressed the Mediatrix phenomenon.