Business sector participation in shaping ASEAN future urged

‘We strongly encourage Philippine businesses to actively contribute to shaping the region’s future economic agenda.’


The Department of Trade and Industry is encouraging the business community to share its recommendations on the economic growth and direction of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as the region prepares a new roadmap for the future.

The business sector and other relevant stakeholders are being directly asked to help develop the "ASEAN Economic Community Vision 2045" as the implementation of the current AEC Blueprint 2025 winds down.

Being sought are the business community's views on the progress of ASEAN's economic integration efforts, the key challenges faced by businesses in accessing regional economic opportunities, areas that need to be part of ASEAN's economic priorities, and ways to enhance engagement between ASEAN member states and the business community.

As such, the ASEAN Secretariat has set up a live platform where stakeholders can answer a brief questionnaire that aims to convey their aspirations and concerns on shaping the future of the AEC.

Key points faced by businesses

The questionnaire seeks ideas and insights on key pain points faced by businesses in the past decade; areas of enhancement and new priorities to be considered in the new ASEAN economic planning (2026-2045) to benefit businesses; and suggestions/inputs to move beyond business-as-usual to enhance engagement between ASEAN and businesses stakeholders.

The DTI-Bureau of International Trade Relations said the live public platform can be accessed through the link

"We strongly encourage Philippine businesses to take part in this endeavor to ensure that your interests and concerns are shared with other AMS and the country's stakeholders are able to actively contribute to shaping the region's future economic agenda," the BITR said.

The collated responses will be taken into consideration when developing the AEC 2045 Strategic Plan. Crafting of the blueprint will take place starting this year until the end of 2024.

Community Vision 2045

The draft of "ASEAN Community Vision 2045: Resilient, Innovative, Dynamic, and People-Centred ASEAN" was noted by the ASEAN leaders at the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in September 2023.

The AEC 2045 strives to realize an ASEAN economy that is forward-looking, action-oriented, sustainable, enterprising, adaptable, nimble, and inclusive.

ASEAN leaders will be adopting the new plan at the 2025 ASEAN Summit.